1§ Name, registered office and language 

The name of the association is Erasmus Student Network University of Turku ry (later association). The  unofficial abbreviation ESN Uni Turku can be used. The registered office of the association is in Turku and  its official language is English. ESN Uni Turku is a member of the Student Union of the University of Turku  (TYY) and Erasmus Student Network Finland (later ESN Finland) and Erasmus Student Network AISBL and  follows the rules of the said organizations. 

2§ Purpose and activities 

The purpose of the association is to promote the interaction between Finnish and international students. In  order to fulfill its purpose, the association promotes the social interaction of its members, maintains and  improves the sense of belonging among the members. The association organizes for its members free time  events, trips and works in cooperation with communities operating with similar aims. In order to support its activities, the association may receive donations, grants, financial support and  testamentary funds, and possess movable, immovable property and commercial paper for its activities. The  association can organize paid events, implement raffles and collections after receiving relevant licenses.  The association can sell its support products. 

3§ The association is politically and religiously independent. 


4§ Actual members 

Every person who currently studies in bachelor’s, master’s or a degree comparable to these programmes,  completes an internship or a PhD at the University of Turku, Turku University of Applied Sciences, Åbo  Akademi or Novia University of Applied Sciences can become a member of the association. Persons from  other associations under ESN Finland can become members of the association. Furthermore, those  participating in any other Erasmus+ project in Varsinais-Suomi can become members of the association. The person who joins as an actual member pays the membership fee, which is valid for one calendar year,  and thereby accepts the rules of the association. The actual members of the association are approved by  the board. The amount of the membership fee is decided by the general meeting of the association. The  association has a list of its members, and the responsibility of its maintenance and monthly updating  belongs to the association's board.


5§ Alumni members 

Any person who has been an active member of the association can become an alumni member of the  association. Alumni membership must be requested from and approved by the board. The association has a  list of its alumni members, and the responsibility of its maintenance and monthly updating belongs to the  association's board. An alumni membership can differ from actual memberships. No membership fees are  charged from alumni members of the association. 

6§ Active members 

The Board can delegate its tasks to the members of the association who have shown active participation in  the association, and they are called by the name of active members. Any person who meets the same  requirements as an actual member can become an active member of the association. Active Members shall  be given higher priority than actual members when considering role in events or trips (sitz organizing, trip  group leaders etc.). The amount of the active membership fee is half of the actual membership fee. The  association has a list of its active members, and the responsibility of its maintenance and monthly updating  belongs to the association's board. 

7§ Resignation 

A member of the association has the right to resign from the association by notifying it in writing to the  board or the president of the association or noted at the association's general meeting. If a resigned  member wants to become a member of the association again, the person must rejoin as an actual member  of the association. 

8§ Discharge 

A member that has acted against the rules or purpose of the association or otherwise in a harmful way  towards the association may be discharged. The discharge can be completed either unanimously by the  board of the association or by the General Meeting of the association with 2/3 majority vote. A decision of  discharge must always be completed as a closed ballot, and the result of the voting must be written on the  meeting minutes. 


9§ Decision making 

The association's supreme decision-making power is exercised by the association's general meeting, which  can be either the spring general meeting, autumn general meeting or additional general meeting. 

10§ Call to order 

Meetings must be announced by the board of the association at least fourteen (14) days before the  meeting, in which then the meeting invitation with agendas will be sent to the association's emailing list. It  must be mentioned in the meeting invitation if the meeting deals with matters mentioned in 23§ of the  Associations Act or issues comparable to them. 

11§ Association’s meetings 

The association holds two (2) general meetings per year. The autumn general meeting of the association is  held annually on a date determined by the board in October-November. The association's spring general  meeting is held annually on a day determined by the board in March-May. 

An additional general meeting of the association can be called by a decision of the association's meeting or  by the board of the association, or if either one-tenth (1/10) or fifteen (15) of the association's members

with voting rights request it from the board in writing to deal with the matter presented. If the meeting is  to be called at the written request of one-tenth (1/10) or fifteen (15) of the members with voting rights of  the association, the board is obliged to call the meeting of the association in such a way that the meeting is  held no later than fourteen (14) days after the board has received information about the claim. If a member of the association wants to have a matter to be decided in the general meeting of the  association, they must notify the board at least fourteen (14) days before the meeting so that the matter  can be included in the meeting invitation. In this case, the board is obliged to include the issue in the  meeting invitation and on the agenda of the meeting. 

In association meetings, each member has one (1) vote. The decision of the association will be the opinion  supported by more than half of the votes cast. In the event of a tie, the chairman's vote decides, except in  closed ticket voting and elections by lot. 

12§ Spring General Meeting 

The Spring General Meeting of the association processes the next things: opening the meeting; elect the  chair of the meeting, two (2) scrutinisers and, if necessary, two (2) vote counters; state the quorum and  legality of the meeting; approve the agenda of the meeting; process and approve the financial statement  and the annual report of the previous financial year; process the auditors’ report of management of the  finances and asset management of the association; decide on the approval of accounts and passing of  accounts and accountability granted for the board and other accountable persons; process other issues  mentioned in the meeting invitation. 

13§ Autumn General Meeting 

The Autumn General Meeting of the association processes the next things: opening of the meeting; elect  the chairman of the meeting, two (2) scrutinisers and, if necessary, two (2) vote counters; state the quorum  and legality of the meeting; approve the agenda of the meeting; the president of the board is elected; the  vice-president of the board is elected; the treasurer of the board is elected; the rest of the board members  are elected; the amount of the membership fee is decided; the action plan and budget are confirmed; 1-2  operational inspectors and 1-2 deputy operational inspectors are selected for the next financial year;  process other issues mentioned in the meeting invitation. 

14§ Meeting order 

All members of the association have the right to speak and be present at the association's general  meetings. All actual and active members of the association who have paid the membership fee have the  right to vote. Decision-making on a matter that is presented for the first time, and which was not mentioned in the meeting invitation, will be postponed to the next meeting which is held no later than  fourteen (14) days, if at least five (5) members with voting rights request it. Matters are decided by a  simple majority of votes, unless otherwise stated in these rules. Voting must be conducted with closed  ballots, if at least two (2) voting members or the chairman of the general meeting so request. In the event  of a tie, the chairman's vote decides, except in closed ticket voting and elections by lot. 

15§ Discharge of board 

If the General Meeting of the association called for the purpose states in a vote of confidence with 2/3 majority vote that the board or a member of the board does not have the confidence of the General  Meeting, shall the board or the member of the board that received the vote of no confidence be  discharged. If due to the vote of no confidence the size of the board decreases below the minimum size of  the board, the General Meeting must complete the board.


16§ Changing the associations rules 

The decision to change the rules of the association must be made by a majority of at least three quarters  (3/4) of the votes cast at the association's general meeting. The meeting invitation must mention the  amendment of the rules. 


17§ Board 

The matters of the association are managed by the board. The minimum size of the board is 3 members,  who are the president, vice-president and treasurer which are elected at the Autumn General Meeting. In  addition to this, the board can have from one (1) to nine (9) other members. 

A board mandate is a one (1) calendar year. The board of the association is elected from the actual, active or alumni members by the Autumn General Meeting. The General Meeting of the association may also  approve other persons to be eligible, if at least five (5) members with voting rights do not object to it. The  board shall distribute other necessary responsibilities equally among the board members. 

18§ Board meetings 

The board is called by the president or, in their absence, by the vice-president. Board meetings can also be  called when at least half of the board members require it. The board has a quorum if, in addition to the  president of that board meeting, at least half of the other board members are present. Votes are decided  by a simple majority vote. In the event of a tie, the president's vote will decide, but in elections a lottery  will be held. 

19§ Authority to sign for the association 

The authority to sign for the Association shall be vested to the president, vice-president, treasurer and  secretary. The board of the association can, by unanimous decision, also grant signature rights to other  members of the board. 

20§ Accounts 

The term and accounting period of the association is a calendar year. The treasurer and the president have  the rights to use the association's accounts. Finances, bank accounts, cash balance and inventory must be  kept up-to-date, accurate and responsible. The treasurer is primarily responsible for the proper  management of these, and the rest of the board assists in this obligation. 

The financial statement with the necessary documents and the board's annual report must be given to the  auditor(s) at least one (1) month before the spring general meeting. The association's financial statement  must be made by the last day of February, however, so that the financial statement with the necessary  documents must be given to the auditors at least one (1) month before the spring general meeting. The  auditor(s) must check the accounts and fixed assets and present a written statement about them to the  board at least two (2) weeks before the spring general meeting. 

21§ The tasks of the President of the board 

The tasks of the President of the board are: leading the speech at the board meetings, oversee that the  rules and purpose of the association, law and good manners are followed in the actions of the association,  oversee and lead the actions of other board members and develop the activity of the association. 

22§ The tasks of the board 

The tasks of the board are: prepare the matters of the board meetings based on the responsibilities,

prepare the matters processed in General Meetings, execute the decisions of the General Meeting,  maintain the administration and finances according to the rules of the association, make agreements and  legal transactions of behalf of the association if these rules do not state otherwise, manage other matters  in accordance with decisions of the General Meeting. 

23§ Other regulations 

The association's activities can be regulated more precisely by guidelines. The general meeting of the  association decides on the acceptance, amendment or repeal of the guidelines by a majority of at least 2/3  of the votes cast. 


24§ Discharge and liquidation 

The decision to discharge the association must be made at two consecutive meetings of the association by  a majority of at least three quarters (3/4) of the votes cast. The meeting invitation must mention about  discharging the association. When the association is discharged, the association's funds are used to  promote the purpose of the association in the manner determined by the meeting deciding on the matter.  When the association becomes liquidated, the funds are used for the same purpose. 


25§ Otherwise, the association follows the valid Association Act.